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An attorney, professional law association, corporation, or partnership that is authorized to practice law.
A law firm with one or more attorneys who are authorized to practice law.
Also, a person employed by an attorney or law firm who is authorized to file on behalf of the licensed attorney (e.g., a paralegal).
CONNECTICUT ONLY: To register as an attorney with the Probate Court eFiling system, an attorney MUST first be registered with Judicial Branch eServices. Please verify that your contact information (email and mailing address) is correct in eServices before continuing. If you update your eServices information, please wait 24 hours before registering with the Probate Court eFiling System.
A person who represents himself or herself in a case. A person who is not a party who files reports or other documents in a case (e.g., a court-appointed physician or psychologist).
A person filing or responding to a case on behalf of a company, sole proprietorship, partnership, association, and/or corporation. Note: Active members of the State Bar should file as attorneys, not as businesses.
A person or attorney authorized to represent a governmental body charged with administering and implementing legislation that is required to pay application fees or filing fees under state law. If you are not sure whether you are non-exempt, contact the court where you plan to file.
A person or attorney authorized to represent a federal court, or a state, county, or city governmental body charged with administering and implementing legislation, that is NOT required to pay application fees or filing fees under state law. If you are not sure whether the organization you represent is exempt, contact the court where you plan to file. Note: Not applicable in Connecticut.
AVAILABLE ONLY IN ARIZONA. A person who is qualified according to individual state laws (including certification or registration where required) to serve all process, writs, orders, pleadings, or papers required or permitted by law for service before, during, or independent of a court action.
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mobile number
For your protection we need to send you an identification code to proceed. You will receive SMS notifications with brief updates related to your filings.

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Mobile Number
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Standard text message charges may apply.
X Identification code
delivery options
For security purposes, we will send you an identification code that you will need to complete the process.
You can choose to receive it via email or text message. Please note, the code will expire after 60 minutes.
Delivery Method(s)
null null null Email code to
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Mobile Number
Wrong format

Answer to security question:
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 I agree to receive a text message at the number above. Standard text message charges may apply.

Didn't receive your identification code? Please check your spam folder. If you are unable to complete the process above, please click Submit Help Request to contact our Customer Support team.
X Clerk Assistance
Please provide clerk user name and secret code to authorize user login.

Please verify clerk username.

Please verify clerk code.

User Name


X Identification code
We sent you an email with your identification code. We sent you an SMS with your identification code.
Please enter the exact code you received below. Please note, the code will expire after 60 minutes.

Incorrect identification code. Please try again.
Identification Code I didn't get the code

Didn't receive your identification code? Please check your spam folder.  Please add to your safe email list.

X Password change

Your password has expired. Please create a new password by clicking Next.

X Password recovery
Please enter your email and a new password to log in.

Email address is not correct
Please verify that new password is 8-32 characters long, and has at least one alpha and one numeric character.
Please verify that your password is correct and that it matches the information entered in the first box.
The passwords entered must match.
Password entered can not be the same as a previously used password.
Please use a different password.

New Password

Confirm New Password

Frequently Asked Questions

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TurboCourt Customer Support and the Courts cannot provide legal advice. We can help with technical questions regarding this program and some questions regarding the court/agency process. If you have a question of a legal nature, we recommend you contact an attorney.
The following frequently asked questions address most of the questions about using TurboCourt.
General Issues Frequently Asked Questions
Arizona Frequently Asked Questions
Connecticut Probate Court Frequently Asked Questions
Florida Domestic Violence Frequently Asked Questions
New Hampshire Judicial Branch Frequently Asked Questions

General Issues Frequently Asked Questions

Q:How do I register in TurboCourt?


There are few options to register in TurboCourt:...
Q:How do I ensure to receive TurboCourt email notifications for my filings and electronic service?


To make sure you receive emails from TurboCourt regarding the status of your filings or when you are...
Q:How do I add or delete user(s)?


To Manage users, you must be a TurboCourt company administrator....
Q:How do I request a new password?


If you forgot your TurboCourt password, click the Request New Password link. A password recovery ema...
Q:How do I request my forms?


To request the forms, do the following steps:...
Q:How do I preview my forms?


Your forms become available after you have made your payment....
Q:How do I print my forms?


There are two ways to print your forms....
Q:How do I change my answers and get new forms after I already paid to print my Form Set?


Once a Form Set has been paid for, the questionnaire used to generate that Form Set cannot be edited...
Q:How do I print in the right format on the paper?


In the Print dialog box, make sure your printer is set to print on 8-1/2" x 11" paper and in Portrait orientation.  You may also select Shrink/Fit to Printable Area.
Q:Why do my forms come up blank (Mozilla Firefox)?


Generated PDF forms may not be displayed properly or come up blank in the Build-in Firefox PDF viewer (Mozilla Firefox, version 19.0 and up). To view your forms, install and use the standard Adobe Acrobat viewer to your computer. The built-in viewer also prompts for the standard viewer to be opened at the very top of the PDF page. It is a small banner. You can open the standard viewer that way as well.
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Arizona Frequently Asked Questions

Q:What are the answers to the most frequently asked questions?


Q:How much does e-Serve cost?


e-Serve costs the filer $3.80 per filing.
Q:Why pay TurboCourt fee, when email is free?


TurboCourt e-Serve provides a real-time tracking tool, allowing filers to view the status of each document, in a single screen. With e-Serve, filers can see precisely when documents are opened by the opposing party. By using the same portal to file and serve documents electronically, TurboCourt Filers can save time with this nominal fee of $3.80 per filing.
Q:Do I have to worry about consent of opposite party?


Pursuant to AZ Supreme Court Administrative Order 2014 – 27, as long as the opposite party is an attorney using AZTurboCourt, they have given consent.
Q:Is this service method formally recognized by the court?


Yes, as of March 2014, e-Serve is formally recognized by AZ Supreme Court as a safe, secure and legally acceptable means of serving filed documents.
Q:How is time computed when a document is electronically served (e-served)?


As described via Administrative Order, service is complete upon transmission and an additional five calendar days shall be added to the period of time prescribed by these rules to do some act or initiate some proceeding.
Q:How will I know when the documents are served?


AZTurboCourt provides real-time tracking, including date & time stamp when recipient opens the documents.
Q:What is defined as an Exempt Government Organization in the State of Arizona?


In the State of Arizona define,  an exempt user is defined as follows: ...
Q:Who qualifies as a Private Process Server in the State of Arizona?


A Private Process Server in the State of Arizona is a person certified by the State of Arizona to serve all process, writs, orders, pleadings, or papers required or permitted by law for service before, during, or independent of a court action.
Q:How do I prepare attachments and exhibits for submission?


An important best practice is to prepare the attachments and exhibits prior to creating your form se...
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Connecticut Probate Court Frequently Asked Questions

Q:What are the answers to the most frequently asked questions?


Click here
Q:Attaching more documents after eFiling


Once you have submitted your filing, you can not add more documents to that filing. If you need to s...


Filers do not need to maintain eSignatures within TurboCourt. All documents must be prepared and sig...
Q:Filing as a Paralegal


In order to file as a paralegal on behalf of an attorney, that law firm must add you as a user to th...
Q:Government Exempt Agency


You are registered as a government exempt agency. At this time the CT eFiling system is only available to attorneys and self-represented litigants. Therefore, you will need to register as an Attorney/Law Firm.
Q:How do I edit or manage users


You must be a TurboCourt company administrator in order to manage users....
Q:How to Add/Delete Users


You must be a TurboCourt company administrator in order to manage users....
Q:I am already a TurboCourt administrator, do I have to add myself as a user also?


If you are already registered as a TurboCourt administrator for your law firm, then you are already a User who can create and submit filings.
Q:Juris Number Attorney


Attorneys need to verify their Juris # (that’s in CT's Judicial Branch eServices system) in order to...
Q:Multiple Law Firm Locations


The address provided in the company profile on TurboCourt is NOT used for the eFiling process or eSe...
Q:Need to change TurboCourt account from Individual to Attorney/Law Firm


In order to resolve this issue, you must first log into the “Individual” TurboCourt account and chan...
Q:Payment After Submit Button


If you are redirected to a payment screen after the TurboCourt Submit button that means that you hav...
Q:Payment Methods


You can pay using a credit card or bank check. To pay by check, you will need to provide the bank routing number and the account number of the check.
Q:Sending Notifications Regarding your submitted Filings to People other then the Filer


There are two options available at this time:...
Q:Unable to Register Juris Number. Email doesn't match the one registered with eServices.


This message appears because the email address you entered on the Juris # verification screen does n...
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Florida Domestic Violence Frequently Asked Questions

Q:What are the answers to the most frequently asked questions?


Click here
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New Hampshire Judicial Branch Frequently Asked Questions

Q:What are the answers to the most frequently asked questions?


Frequently asked questions:...
Q:How do I file confidential information?


IMPORTANT:  Do not file confidential documents or confidential information unless required, or unles...
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If you are unable to find the answers to your questions, click Submit Help Request to contact our Customer Support team.
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