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An attorney, professional law association, corporation, or partnership that is authorized to practice law.
A law firm with one or more attorneys who are authorized to practice law.
Also, a person employed by an attorney or law firm who is authorized to file on behalf of the licensed attorney (e.g., a paralegal).
CONNECTICUT ONLY: To register as an attorney with the Probate Court eFiling system, an attorney MUST first be registered with Judicial Branch eServices. Please verify that your contact information (email and mailing address) is correct in eServices before continuing. If you update your eServices information, please wait 24 hours before registering with the Probate Court eFiling System.
A person who represents himself or herself in a case. A person who is not a party who files reports or other documents in a case (e.g., a court-appointed physician or psychologist).
A person filing or responding to a case on behalf of a company, sole proprietorship, partnership, association, and/or corporation. Note: Active members of the State Bar should file as attorneys, not as businesses.
A person or attorney authorized to represent a governmental body charged with administering and implementing legislation that is required to pay application fees or filing fees under state law. If you are not sure whether you are non-exempt, contact the court where you plan to file.
A person or attorney authorized to represent a federal court, or a state, county, or city governmental body charged with administering and implementing legislation, that is NOT required to pay application fees or filing fees under state law. If you are not sure whether the organization you represent is exempt, contact the court where you plan to file. Note: Not applicable in Connecticut.
AVAILABLE ONLY IN ARIZONA. A person who is qualified according to individual state laws (including certification or registration where required) to serve all process, writs, orders, pleadings, or papers required or permitted by law for service before, during, or independent of a court action.
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You can choose to receive it via email or text message. Please note, the code will expire after 60 minutes.
Delivery Method(s)
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Mobile Number
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 I agree to receive a text message at the number above. Standard text message charges may apply.

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X Clerk Assistance
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Please verify clerk username.

Please verify clerk code.

User Name


X Identification code
We sent you an email with your identification code. We sent you an SMS with your identification code.
Please enter the exact code you received below. Please note, the code will expire after 60 minutes.

Incorrect identification code. Please try again.
Identification Code I didn't get the code

Didn't receive your identification code? Please check your spam folder.  Please add to your safe email list.

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Your password has expired. Please create a new password by clicking Next.

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The passwords entered must match.
Password entered can not be the same as a previously used password.
Please use a different password.

New Password

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New Hampshire Online Training

Click here for Training Videos & Tutorials

AZTurboCourt Masterclass Training Webinars for initiating and subsequent submissions in Civil case types.

Filer Training Masterclass - Case Initiation (2 hr)

No Case Initiation Filing Training is currently scheduled - click the link below to access the recording of the previous training.

Learn everything you need to know to prepare and electronically file documents for initiating AZ Civil filing actions.

Filer Training Masterclass - Case Initiation includes:
  • Initiating Filings
  • Comparing County Filing Requirements & Options (Maricopa cannot initiate cases electronically at this time)
  • ePayments
  • Credit Cards and Bank Accounts
  • Managing Your Profile
  • Managing Your Workload
  • Financial Reports
  • Tips & Tricks for Creating Filings Faster
You can ask questions throughout the masterclass.

The masterclass will be recorded and emailed to you afterward so you can review any of it again at your own convenience.

Click here to watch the recording of the Filer Training Masterclass - Maricopa General Civil Case Initiation and More (Sept 2, 2020, 2h 37m).

Click here to watch the recording of a previous Filer Training Masterclass - Case Initiation (Apr 18, 2019, 2h 17m).

Filer Training Masterclass - Subsequent Filings & eService (2 hr 15 min)

No Subsequent Filing Training is currently scheduled - click the link below to access the recording of the previous training.

Learn everything you need to know to prepare and electronically file documents into existing AZ Civil filing actions.

Filer Training Masterclass - Subsequent Filings & eService includes:
  • Filing Into Existing Cases
  • Comparing County Filing Requirements & Options (Pima vs Maricopa vs All Other Counties)
  • ePayments
  • Credit Cards and Bank Accounts
  • eService
  • Subpoenas
  • Managing Your Profile
  • Managing Your Workload
  • Financial Reports
You can ask questions throughout the masterclass.

The masterclass will be recorded and emailed to you afterward so you can review any of it again at your own convenience.

Click here to watch the recording of a previous Filer Training Masterclass - Subsequent Filings & eService (Jan 9, 2019, 2h 18m). See the complete 30-minute eService Training beginning at the 1:09:00 mark in this video.

Administrator Training Masterclass (1 hr 30 min)

No Administrator Training is currently scheduled - click the link below to access the recording of the previous training.

Learn everything you need to know to set up and manage your organization and users for AZTurboCourt.

Administrator Training Masterclass includes:
  • Registering Your Firm
  • Learn Each Administrator Role in Detail
  • Managing Your Organization Profile and Contacts
  • Setting Up and Managing Users
  • Managing & Assigning Credit Cards and Bank Accounts
  • Financial Reports
  • Filing Reports
  • Accessing Court Dockets & Conformed Copies of Documents
You can ask questions throughout the masterclass.

The masterclass will be recorded and emailed to you afterward so you can review any of it again at your own convenience.

Click here to watch the recording of a previous previous Administrator Training Masterclass (Apr 17, 2019, 1h 30m).

For more information on AZTurboCourt trainings please contact Steven Kimmelman at

Click here for additional Training Videos & Tutorials
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