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An attorney, professional law association, corporation, or partnership that is authorized to practice law.
A law firm with one or more attorneys who are authorized to practice law.
Also, a person employed by an attorney or law firm who is authorized to file on behalf of the licensed attorney (e.g., a paralegal).
CONNECTICUT ONLY: To register as an attorney with the Probate Court eFiling system, an attorney MUST first be registered with Judicial Branch eServices. Please verify that your contact information (email and mailing address) is correct in eServices before continuing. If you update your eServices information, please wait 24 hours before registering with the Probate Court eFiling System.
A person who represents himself or herself in a case. A person who is not a party who files reports or other documents in a case (e.g., a court-appointed physician or psychologist).
A person filing or responding to a case on behalf of a company, sole proprietorship, partnership, association, and/or corporation. Note: Active members of the State Bar should file as attorneys, not as businesses.
A person or attorney authorized to represent a governmental body charged with administering and implementing legislation that is required to pay application fees or filing fees under state law. If you are not sure whether you are non-exempt, contact the court where you plan to file.
A person or attorney authorized to represent a federal court, or a state, county, or city governmental body charged with administering and implementing legislation, that is NOT required to pay application fees or filing fees under state law. If you are not sure whether the organization you represent is exempt, contact the court where you plan to file. Note: Not applicable in Connecticut.
AVAILABLE ONLY IN ARIZONA. A person who is qualified according to individual state laws (including certification or registration where required) to serve all process, writs, orders, pleadings, or papers required or permitted by law for service before, during, or independent of a court action.
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delivery options
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You can choose to receive it via email or text message. Please note, the code will expire after 60 minutes.
Delivery Method(s)
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Mobile Number
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 I agree to receive a text message at the number above. Standard text message charges may apply.

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Please provide clerk user name and secret code to authorize user login.

Please verify clerk username.

Please verify clerk code.

User Name


X Identification code
We sent you an email with your identification code. We sent you an SMS with your identification code.
Please enter the exact code you received below. Please note, the code will expire after 60 minutes.

Incorrect identification code. Please try again.
Identification Code I didn't get the code

Didn't receive your identification code? Please check your spam folder.  Please add to your safe email list.

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Your password has expired. Please create a new password by clicking Next.

X Password recovery
Please enter your email and a new password to log in.

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The passwords entered must match.
Password entered can not be the same as a previously used password.
Please use a different password.

New Password

Confirm New Password

Videos and Tutorials

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box corner box corner
Prior to starting your filing, we strongly recommend that you watch the following tutorial videos and read through the written manuals. The videos and manuals will take you through the questionnaire process, provide explanations to our services and answer many of your questions. They will serve as references for you throughout the e-Filing process.

For more videos, visit TurboCourt on YouTube.

Registration and Login with Social Media options

Learn how to use registration and login by clicking on the link below.
Registration and Login Tutorial Video
watch videowatch video
Registration and Login User Manual

Managing Your Profile

Learn how to manage all your Profile options. (AZTurboCourt customers - see the Arizona section below)
How to Receive and Manage Text Notifications Regarding Your TurboCourt Filings
watch videowatch video

Managing Your Notifications

Learn how to manage notifications from your court/agency/other participants
Manage Your Notifications
watch videowatch video

California - Los Angeles Superior Court

Small Claims - Online Dispute Resolution (ODR)

Getting Started with ODR
How to Register for ODR
watch videowatch video
Starting Negotiations (by Plaintiff)
watch videowatch video
Starting Negotiations (by Defendant)
watch videowatch video

Working with the other party to reach an agreement during ODR
How to Use ODR to Negotiate
watch videowatch video
Create Additional Terms & Offers
watch videowatch video
Negotiating with Multiple Parties
watch videowatch video

Settlement Agreements
Creating a Proposed Settlement Agreement [Plaintiffs Only]
watch videowatch video
Reviewing a Settlement Agreement
watch videowatch video
Filing Your Settlement Agreement [Plaintiffs Only]
watch videowatch video
Accessing Court-Conformed Copies
watch videowatch video

Asking for Help From a Mediator During ODR
Request & Consent to Mediation
watch videowatch video
Using ODR with a Mediator - Small Claims
watch videowatch video

Ending ODR Without a Settlement Agreement
Indicating Agreement Not Reached [Plaintiffs Only]
watch videowatch video
Requesting a Dismissal [Plaintiffs Only] - Small Claims
watch videowatch video

Unlawful Detainer - Online Dispute Resolution (ODR)

Getting Started with ODR
How to Register for ODR - Unlawful Detainer
watch videowatch video
Starting Negotiations - Making an Opening Offer
watch videowatch video

Working with the other party to reach an agreement during ODR
How to Use ODR to Negotiate - Unlawful Detainer
watch videowatch video
Adding "Other Terms" to Your Offer
watch videowatch video
Negotiating with Two or More Tenants
watch videowatch video

Creating an Agreement Document (Plaintiff Only)
watch videowatch video
Reviewing and Signing the Agreement Document
watch videowatch video
Filing the Agreement Document (Plaintiff Only)
watch videowatch video
Signing the Agreement (for Parties with an Attorney)
watch videowatch video
Accessing Court-Conformed Copies
watch videowatch video

Asking for help from a mediator during ODR
Request & Consent to Mediation
watch videowatch video
Using ODR with a Mediator - Unlawful Detainer
watch videowatch video

Ending ODR without an Agreement
Indicating Agreement Not Reached (Plaintiff Only)
watch videowatch video
Requesting a Dismissal [Plaintiffs Only] - Unlawful Detainer
watch videowatch video


eFile in Connecticut Probate courts.
eFiling Overview
watch videowatch video
How to create and manage an Attorney/Law Firm Account
watch videowatch video
How to verify with eServices (Attorney)
watch videowatch video
How to eFile and make a payment (Attorney)
watch videowatch video
eFile: Case Initiation (with payment)
watch videowatch video
eFile: File into Existing Case (with payment)
watch videowatch video
How to eFile into an existing case and eServe Parties
watch videowatch video
eServe Overview
watch videowatch video
How to access court documents using My cases (Attorney)
watch videowatch video
How to eFile and access court documents (Paralegal)
watch videowatch video
How to Pay an Open Balance Online
watch videowatch video
How to access Case Documents (Individual Filers)
watch videowatch video

Hawaii State Judiciary

Small Claims e-Filing and Online Dispute Resolution (ODR).
File Statement of Claim (by Plaintiff)
watch videowatch video
Register for ODR (by Plaintiff)
watch videowatch video
Register for ODR (by Defendant)
watch videowatch video
How to Use ODR to Negotiate
watch videowatch video
Negotiating With Multiple Parties
watch videowatch video
Create Additional Terms & Offers
watch videowatch video
Creating a Settlement Agreement [for Plaintiffs only]
watch videowatch video
Reviewing a Settlement Agreement
watch videowatch video
Filing Your Settlement Agreement [for Plaintiffs only]
watch videowatch video
Finalizing Your Case After Reaching an Agreement in ODR [for Plaintiffs only]
watch videowatch video
Requesting a Dismissal in ODR [for Plaintiffs only]
watch videowatch video
Filing Additional Documents (Motion to Dismiss, Certificate of Service, Judgments, and More)
watch videowatch video


File in Michigan courts.
Personal Protection Order - Initiate Claim
watch videowatch video
Personal Protection Order - Filing into Existing Case
watch videowatch video

New Hampshire

E-File in New Hampshire courts.
All Cases - E-service Tutorial
watch videowatch video
Guardianships - How to prepare and e-file a Guardianship Petition
watch videowatch video
Guardianships - File Motions Tutorial
watch videowatch video
Guardianships - Inventory Tutorial
watch videowatch video
Guardianships - Reports Tutorial
watch videowatch video
Guardianships - Update Your Contact Information Tutorial
watch videowatch video
Small Claims - File Complaint Tutorial
watch videowatch video
Small Claims - File Response Tutorial
watch videowatch video
Small Claims - File Motions Tutorial
watch videowatch video
Wills & Estates - File a Petition For Estate Administration
watch videowatch video
Wills & Estates - File an Estate Accounting
watch videowatch video
Wills & Estates - File an Inventory in Guardianships and Estates
watch videowatch video
Wills & Estates - Beneficiaries or Heirs Filing into an Existing Estate Case for the First Time
watch videowatch video
Involuntary Admission (Non-Emergency) - Case Initiation
watch videowatch video
Involuntary Admission (Non-Emergency) - File a Document into an Existing Case
watch videowatch video


Arizona Training Resources for Attorneys, Self-Represented Litigants and Court Staff.
How to Receive and Manage Text Notifications Regarding Your AZTurboCourt Filings
watch videowatch video
AZTurboCourt Users Manual (all courts except PIMA)
watch videodownload file
AZTurboCourt Pima County Users Manual
watch videodownload file
How to Serve Parties Using e-Service
watch videodownload file
Getting Started Using AZTurboCourt
watch videodownload file
Court Reporters Training Manual
watch videodownload file
Pima County - Making a First Appearance Using the Party Matching Feature
watch videodownload file
How to Initiate a Case In Pima County Using the Party Matching Feature
watch videodownload file
How to Request Issuance of a Subpoena in Pima County
watch videodownload file
How to File in an Existing Case in Pima County
watch videodownload file
Overview of TurboCourt in Pima County
watch videodownload file
AZTurboCourt Training for Process Servers
watch videodownload file
A Guide to Registration and Financial Processing Using AZTurboCourt
watch videodownload file
How to File Tax Cases in AZTurboCourt
watch videodownload file
How to Save a Payment Token in AZTurboCourt
watch videodownload file
How to Pay with a Saved Payment Method
watch videodownload file
How to Assign a Saved Payment Method to Members of an Organization
watch videodownload file
How to Receive Payment Reports Via Email for an Organization
watch videodownload file


E-service is fast, easy to use, cost-effective and secure. Learn how to use e-service by clicking on one of the links below.
E-service Tutorial Video
watch videowatch video
E-service User Manual

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